Saturday, August 4, 2012

starting the weekend...

Friday 5am left from where my family are stay now in Caminha, north of Portugal and border with Spain.Only Minho river separate both countries. 

Got in Coruña to check la Toxica.This nice left slab   (     ).     But swell was mixed and maybe a bit bigger.

As i broke almost 10 boards already in that place and wasn' t really square open barrels i decided to do a litle tour at the european pro jr at a close beach from where i was.20 min south,Razo beach.
Sw all my friends around..Richard Marsh, Nik Beven, Simon Young and had been with the judges in  a couple heats.
Before i left,i stoped by one of many beachbreaks  they have on that area and had  fun!Wedges left that i will be coming another day of shore, for sure! 

long day at Coruña

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Viana do Castelo high level surf seminary

This week during the cup of Portugal i had the pleasure to participate of a important seminary for the future of surf in north of Portugal.
They just build one of the biggest training structure for surf in the world at Cabedelo beach.
I was invite to talk about how important are the training for surfers(and after the seminary the play one of my videos at Irland if that crazy wipeout :
And i said a lot about how often are the waves around this area getting swells from many diferents directions.
Many young kids listening too, and for sure, all that i said was more for than.Cause they are the future of this area and the ones in  a couples years moving surf forward. 
Pic left to right : Viana do Castelo president, surf trainer, mayor political local rep, Portugal federetion president, myself, Viana surf club vice-president.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Weird things happen in surf!

Pics: Cops killing a surf traditional Ericeira spot!

First time i went down to Ericeira was 1997.
Back on those days was a quite litle village.
Still not as much building as today and surf ,well, was all about surf.
Now imagine when surfer like Tiago Oliveira arrived there(and all his friends and local,Migueis,Nik,Zes...).
Long long time ago.Way before surf gives the money that gives in this days.
Money, looks like is always about money.
I don' t have another answer if there is not money.
Cause, how come a mayor of a surf city could do what he is doing with a symbol of a his own surf city?
Tiago Olieira yes, is a symbol of Ericeira.People knows him everywhere in the world.He is been talking about Ericeira way before the actually mayor and doing more good marketing for the city than even Portuguese surf star Tiago Pires.
The trophy he gets for this: many cops breaking his place to build new shops and another surfcamp?
Let ' s see who is the man name behind this when all will be ready in a couple months.
Who will have the balls to ruin a local legend and put his name in his place.
I , for sure, will be the first to say : this is the person or the company that kills all about surf!I mean: traditon!Culture!Friendship!

More pics :çou-o-despejo-do-surf-camp-dribeira

Be strong Tiago, Luiz,..many other who lives form the camp today and will see as me who is the real bad namen behind this story!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

R.I.P Makki Block

Legend in Peru.
Friend of all my friends there.
Hard to loose another surfer.
Feels like they all from my family!