Nixon challenge , crew and the surfers team are a true cultural exchange.
We come from many countries and talking different languages.
Have stories to update and we all on Nixon new destination every year.
We go for surf , have fun between friends and try the best of our surf with this amazing atmosphere.
This year destination is Kamchatka Peninsula.
We all had a some crazy connection flights to get there.
As i post before my first stop was Amsterdam.After i had another one in Moscow.
I got there 4:30 am .My credit card never work and i was thinking stay 12 hours on the airport alone.
Had some Reais from my last trip in Brazil and change on some horrible rating.
Got a message from one of the crew organizer saying all other coming that day.
The whole crew finished going to the red square before the late connection flight.
I felt been in a intense historical place.

when we arrive we all trip cause as soon as you leave the plane you go straight to the car parking outside of the terminal.
And you need go through one door with your bag ticket to pick up the luggage.
Hotel first impact and city was a bit choking.Must of all outside construction are not finished and needing some fix.
We all pack inside a big truck and left to the hour way to the beach o a very bad off road.
The beach break was a long beach, with mountains view behind.Really fun for surf. breaking almost in the same time.
we had a small but consistent first day.
And way bigger and fun second one, that we all recognize we shouldn't never left the beach think will be better the next day with the off shore coming.
That really happened , but waves weren't solid 5 feet anymore, just an small 2/3 feet.
We camping that night on a minus 5 celsius. A night mark on everyone life's.
we all stay together, eating, drinking, sleeping, playing with ball, chess, quad...
Amazing time between friends.
elena the cook did some of the best plates and make our stay even better.

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