Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

South Bound last episode

A couple going down from Norway, Sweden, Holand, France, Spain adn ending the trip her ein my place at Sao Juliao beach, Portugal.
Some really nice footage at every single stop they did(can have all of them on youtube).You can have Mikey (filmaker and editor), interview at Magicseaweed link here :

Liga Moche

Only made one heat at the portuguese nationals again.
Vaery sad to stay all day on the beach and loose.
But for sure if i could hear better the speaker saying the position in the end , things could be different.
As a competitor you always need a plan before the heat, and a bad heat for everyone , everything can happen.
I was making in the end and could give a think on block the others in the end , but could hear and lost on a last wave to my opponent.
Back home to family and is running now the Icon Ericeira bjj camp.(photo below)